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Are you ready to not feel like a beginner?

Starting from 28th January join the team where I'll provide the accountability, motivation, and education that you deserve to get the results you want.

It's time to start putting yourself first and i'm here to help.

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what is Beginners blueprint?
Beginners Blueprint is a 6 week online training, nutrition & mindset educational program & course open to beginners worldwide. The goal of the course is to give you the knowledge & confidence needed to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle without all the overwhelm and gimmicks. Create new habits, meet others in your exact position, find your inner confidence and dig into the education so you understand how to achieve the results you want without being shackled to the number on the scale.


real feedback from people who have invested in themselves...


Tom is a brilliant personal trainer and I would recommend him to anyone. He is very knowledgeable and patient and I saw great progress with him. He has given me the confidence to do resistance training in the gym on my own which is something I would have never considered before! If you are considering a PT, for whatever reasons, I guarantee you will not be disappointed with Tom 😊

Llifting Weights

Ashley Brooks

Tom is kind, knowledgeable, patient, encouraging, motivating, very supportive of women (able to talk about periods!) and I always have a laugh with him! He literally switches on my BEAST mode! He’s taken a complete novice with weight training and now got me barbell squatting almost 60kg in about 6 months! As a larger lady, I was very paranoid about judgement in the gym and from a PT, but Tom makes me so relaxed and makes my journey individual to me. Highly recommend!

Strong Woman

ileana persunaru

Working with Tom has transformed the way I think about fitness and the rewards and payback has been measurable and far exceeded any gains I've been able to achieve elsewhere.
This has definitely changed my life. Tom strikes the perfect balance of knowledge, experience, nutritional guidance and training support. He makes you focus, makes you laugh and helps you achieve your goals with outstanding results.
I’ve lost almost four stones in less than four months! Such an incredible experience and I would highly recommend Tom! 💯🙂👍

Beginners blueprint is the roadmap to success you've been looking for 

Online Coaching Plans

as a member of my Beginners Blueprint you will be empowered to...

  • Feel comfortable to ask me questions and gain knowledge through our members group.

  • Feel confident in the gym by following a six week workout program with the Tom Brown Training App

  • Stay accountable and dedicated towards your goals 

  • Master exercises by having access to a video library of tutorials that is updated along with your workout plans through the Tom Brown Coaching App

  • Take control of your diet by following a personalised set of nutritional targets supported by Tom's recipe book

  • Improve you knowledge of training and nutrition through online educational zoom sessions with Q&A's

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Daily accountability 
6 week workout program
Personalised nutritional goals
Exclusive access to Tom Brown Coaching App
Community of likeminded members
Recipe Book
Exercise Video Library
Individual Feedback
25+ Education Videos

why do you need my help?

Many of us have gone through the same routine – at the start of the year, we decide we're going to focus on being healthier. We buy what we think are "healthy" groceries, grab some new gym clothes, and sign up for a gym membership. But when we first step into the gym, things get a bit nerve-wracking. We feel stressed, lack confidence, and don't really know what to do. And what usually happens? After a few weeks, we lose interest, and all those big plans get put off for another year.

After helping numerous people who have experienced this scenario, I’ve developed a knack for guiding beginners through their training, diet, and mindset. I’m like their Jedi Master, helping them build confidence in the gym, understand nutrition, and create a lifestyle that they actually enjoy and can stick with.

Now it’s time for you to do the same with my beginners blueprint course.

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100% Money Back Guarantee

If you get to the end of the first two weeks, follow the course and feel like you haven't progressed just send me an email and I’ll personally refund you 100% of your money back!

Tom Brown PT Coach Portrait

here's what you get when you join today:

  • Over 25+ education videos recorded by Tom to help educate you on training, diet and mindset in 6 weekly modules

  • Full 6 week fitness program (3-4 day/week) complete with video demos for each exercise (workouts are done on your own time at home or in the gym)

  • 6 weeks of nutritional coaching via a calorie & habit based approach

  • 6 weeks of mindset coaching

  • Access to a community of other beginners via a private FB group

  • Live videos every week

  • Daily lessons, habits & a course curriculum geared towards teaching you about sustainable, manageable fat loss. Muscle gain & lifestyle change

  • Accountability, support & direction from an educated coach - that’s me.

  • Daily & Weekly check-ins/goal setting 

  • Individual checkpoint discussion 

Price - £250

Join now!

The first course of the year starts on 28th January and runs for 6 weeks. 

Beginners Blueprint January Intake is open now.

why trust me?
these people did & got amazing results


taylor bradford

I’d highly recommend Tom. He’s easy to talk to and helps keep me motivated by checking in with me regularly and setting realistic goals for me to reach.  
Tom has helped me be able to diet without having to be so strict that I wouldn’t be able to stick to it long term. 
I’ve only been with him a few months and I can already see a huge improvement in my strength.

Llifting Weights

alexandra green

Tom is a brilliant PT & I highly recommend him! I first started my PT sessions with Tom back in October 2021. The initial goal was to help me lose the weight gained during lockdown so that I could fit into my wedding dress. This goal was achieved & I couldn’t have done it without him! He set me a programme that was achievable and manageable to fit around a busy schedule and the weekly sessions encouraged me to keep going! I enjoy the sessions and even though the initial goal was achieved I am still continuing the weekly PT sessions but with a new goal to improve my strength. Thank you Tom for all your help!

Strong Woman

Krastina pavlova

I was as many other mothers who after birth wanted to loose weight faster than they got it - it didn't happened 🙁 For months I was struggling with different diets and payed "training" apps = zero effect!

Then I started with Tom as my personal trainer. I am very, very happy of my choice! Tom has great approach. He is so positive, smiling and kind. He is adjusting the training program according to my current situation - when I got used to some exercise he rises the weight or makes modification to be harder so I can be in constant development. He is tracking my diet and calories. We always discusse with me when I have any difficulty following the diet. After 5 months hard work, from both sides I have great results - I dropped down one size in my clothes and I feel with more power and in better mood and shape. Thank you Tom!

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